We visited several areas over a 16 day period, landing the first day in Bogota.
DAY 1 1/5/2020
We spent the night at the Dan Carolton, a beautiful hotel in downtown Bogota, then departed on Avianca Airlines the next morning for our first birding stop, Pereira.
Upon arriving at the airport in Pereira, we immediately saw two of our very own US birds, a male and female Vermillion Flycatcher, and a few doves, but then a new hawk appeared.
Vermilion Flycatcher, female
Vermilion Flycatcher male
Variable Hawk
We then departed with our driver to Otun Quimbaya, a beautiful sanctuary, home to several endemic Colombian birds where we would spend our second and third nights.
Bare-faced Ibis
Southern Lapwing
The food was always great, always healthy, accompanied with fresh squeezed fruit juices with each meal.
Cauca Guan
Southern Emerald Toucanet
Tropical Kingbird
Black Phoebe
Blackburnian Warbler
Saffron Finch
Andean Motmot
Golden Tanager (Tangara arthus)
Bay-headed Tanager (Tangara gyrola)
Cauca Guan, endemic to Otun Quimbaya
Cauca Guan close-up
Montane Woodcreeper
Sparkling Violetear
Blue-and-white Swallow
Red-roughed Fruitcrow
DAY 3 (Jan 7) - Birded Otun Quimbaya till around 11:30,
Collared Trogan
Collared Trogan
Sickle-winged Guan
Crimson-mantled Woodpecker
Eared Dove
Mountain Elaenia
Rufous-crowned Sparrow
Mountain Elaenia
Lesser Goldfinch
Lamplight Actinote
Lamplight Actinote
Banana Plant blossom
Neglected Eighty-eight (Diaethria neglecta)
looks like a 98 this side, flipped around looks like an 89!
Neglected Eighty-eight . . . beautiful on the topside as well.
Main National Park building, and dining hall. Dormitory style lodge behind here.
Front of dormitory style lodging
Another look at Southern Lapwing as we were leaving.
then departed for Los Nevados National Park to look for the Bearded Helmet-crest Hummingbird, which only Dan would see briefly, and no one got a photo.
Next stop, Termales del Ruiz. (Day 3, Jan. 7) This was a wonderful resort, with the specialty being their many different species of hummingbirds. Out in the back were hot springs, and guests were welcome to swim in the pools. Our guide told us to bring our swimsuits. We did . . . but . . . no thank you! It was too cold, (and a strong sulfur smell.) We checked in, and after a night's rest, left early next morning for Los Nevados National Park.
DAY 4 (Jan 8)
left Termales del Ruiz, arrived at HQ Los Nevados National Park,
flight back to Manizales, Laguna Negra, then onto Rio Blanco for the afternoon and evening
Pale-naped Brushfinch
Returned to Termales del Ruiz for more birding for the rest of the day.
Blue-winged Mountain-Tanager
Plain-colored Seedeater
Arrival at Rio Blanco